

Command line edition of Elebox, powered by clap (opens in a new tab).



Print help message:

elebox help

Use and operate on the default database path and filename ./elebox.db:

elebox COMMAND

or a specified ./my_box.db:

elebox my_box.db COMMAND

where COMMAND can be init, part, category, export or import.


You need to initialize a database before you can proceed with the next steps.

Create and initialize a new database with the default path:

elebox init


List part categories:

elebox category

Create a new part category named MCU:

elebox category new MCU

Create new part category named ARM and RISC-V, and designate them as a subcategory of MCU:

elebox category new ARM -p MCU
elebox category new "RISC-V" -p MCU


List parts:

elebox part

Create a new part named RP2040 with a part category of ARM, and a quantity of 25:

elebox part new RP2040 25 ARM

Consume or restock 10 RP2040:

elebox part use RP2040 10
elebox part add RP2040 10

Rename RP2040 to rpi-RP2040:

elebox part update RP2040 "rpi-RP2040"